3 Reasons to Get Life Insurance Today

by | Oct 1, 2021 | Uncategorized

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While everyone knows life insurance is necessary—if you want your final expenses to be taken care of without burdening your family, that is—but for many, it’s seen as a task to be handled later. Whether later means next week or next decade, it’s rarely seen as an issue that seriously impacts the present. Because of this, by the time the coverage is really needed, it’s too late.

Here are three key reasons that you should get the coverage you need today:

  1. Prices go up. As many as 30 percent of Americans are underinsured or uninsured entirely. This is, according to Bankrate, because people in their twenties feel invincible—by the time you really start thinking about getting insurance, in your 50s, the price has spiked beyond what you could possibly hope to afford. By getting coverage early you can get the protection you’ll need in the future without the high cost.
  2. Coverage from work probably isn’t enough. While many businesses offer life insurance to their full-time employees, it’s rarely the full coverage a person actually needs—and often costs more out of the paycheck than customized coverage would. There are, thankfully, excellent alternatives. For instance, the Fullman & Lawrence Agency can help you with a wide range of insurance and financial instruments to fit your needs. To the people of Longview, we offer the best service. Talk to us today about how we can help you make your dreams come true.
  3. You can’t see the future. While it’s easy to say that you live a normal, predictable life, you have no way of knowing what’s going to happen tomorrow. If you have loved ones, it’s your responsibility to be covered as soon as possible. The best rates are usually offered between age 30 and age 44, so talk to an agent to see when you’ll hit your “sweet spot.” Remember that a good policy evolves based upon your overall health and habits, so if you’re a smoker looking for solid coverage without high costs, you may want to kick the habit as soon as possible.

Stop putting it off! With excellent agents waiting, there’s no excuse for anyone in Longview, TX, to be without the insurance needed to protect their family from the burden of final expenses.

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