If you have gotten into trouble driving, or were unable to pay for damages, you can still get insurance. However, your driving habits will be checked and you will have to follow certain procedures. You will need to take out a certificate of insurance, as you are considered a high-risk filer.
Do You Need to Present a Certificate of Insurance?
Therefore, you will need to obtain an SR-22 in Mundelein, IL – the official form for a certificate of insurance or financial responsibility filing. By taking out this type of coverage, you have another chance to prove yourself to be a good driver – someone who will not drive recklessly or take unnecessary risks while behind the wheel. You can also show that you will drive with insurance and assume any future liability risks.
What You Must Show the State
The SR-22 is required so a driver can maintain his or her driving privileges after certain traffic-associated offenses. While the document is really not a kind of car insurance technically, it does show the state that a driver does have an active insurance policy in force that meets the state’s minimum liability requirements.
Have You Been Convicted of a DUI?
You will usually need an SR-22 if you have been convicted of a DUI or any moving violation. You may also have to file the paperwork if you were caught driving without insurance protection. Many filers are at-fault drivers who did not have insurance when they crashed. Repeat traffic offences or the receipt of too many tickets will also entail this type of insurance filing.
Was Your License Revoked or Suspended?
Maybe your license has been revoked or suspended. If so, you will need to have your insurance company file an SR-22 with the state. You just need to make sure you work with an insurance company that can help you with this type of document. Whether it is court ordered or not, you will need it if you have been charged with any of the aforementioned offenses.
Learn More Online
You can learn more about this type of document when you visit us website. Get all the details for yourself. Make restitution by learning more about the filing and how you can make a bad situation better. Check with your local insurance company today.