Investing in Term Life Insurance Virginia Beach

by | Apr 12, 2013 | Insurance

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Life is unpredictable and as a result it pays to be protected. Although life insurance policies can be purchased for large values, they can be pricey and unaffordable for some; however, term life insurance virginia beach is a less expensive alternative.

Term life insurance is a type of insurance that covers only a certain amount of time and has no investment value. When the time period covered has been met, the policy coverage is over. For families who may not be able to afford whole life insurance, this type of policy can cover the years while children are at home and through college. People who are interested in purchasing term life insurance virginia beach, should contact a licensed insurance agent who knows the ins and outs of estate planning. The agents are trained to help clients make the the best decisions for their budget and life plans.

When deciding how much insurance a person or family needs, a general guide is five to tens times the household’s annual income. A newly married couple’s insurance needs may be far less than a family of four with children nearing college age. By using an agent to purchase term life insurance virginia beach, customers will know that they will get advice from an experienced professional.

While people frequently think of families or married couples as having insurance, one large area of the population that is uninsured is single parents. Generally, children depend primarily on the custodial parent and the death of that parent would be financially catastrophic. Even if the custodial parent receives financial support from the other parent, the death of the parent providing additional income for raising the child would be financially devastating to the child and the parent with whom they reside. Because family income typically falls after divorce, it seems especially beneficial to divorced families to carry at least term life insurance for the benefit of surviving children.

Fortunately, with term life insurance virginia beach, even single parents can find insurance to fit their needs. Whether married or single with children, there is life insurance geared to a client’s specialized needs.

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