These days, many people are dealing with economic uncertainty when it comes to their job and paycheck. Many people are struggling to make ends meet, and live paycheck to paycheck when paying their bills. Auto insurance is one of those monthly bills that you pay, but wonder if you will ever have to use the coverage. While it may be hard to pay the generous amount each month, here are some ways that you can reduce the premiums on your auto insurance in Traverse City, MI.
When shopping around for auto insurance quotes, ask the insurance representative if they offer a discount to people who drive less than 7000 miles a year. If the savings is substantial, you might want to consider taking a carpool to work, or using public transportation to avoid a higher insurance rate. Discounts are also given to award those with certain safety features that they may have on their vehicle. Be sure to list all safety options on your car in order to receive the best rates on your auto insurance in Traverse City, MI.
Keep in mind, that you have a choice when it comes to filing small auto claims with your insurance company. Think twice before filing minor claims. Although they may help to pay your small bill, the increase in your auto insurance rates will often outweigh any benefits that you might have.
While many car insurance companies are beginning to consider a client’s credit score when determining rates, you may want to make sure that your credit score is in good standing. Also, be a cautious driver in order to avoid any car accidents or traffic tickets. Remember, that accidents and tickets can greatly increase the rates on your auto insurance in Traverse City, MI.
If you have a teenager in the family, have them drive a family car rather than buying them their own car. You can also receive insurance discounts if your teen is on the honor roll. Let you insurance company know right away if your teen moves away for college, as that can qualify you for another vehicle insurance discount.
Although you have to pay for your car insurance every month, you can help to lower the costs as much as possible. Taking the time to compare different insurance companies online, and research the various insurance options and details, you can save yourself a lot of money annually.
You can compare insurance companies online to find the most affordable auto insurance in Traverse, MI. Johnson & Associates Insurance serves the insurance needs of personal and business concerns in Northern Michigan.