Things to Consider Before Choosing a Medicare Part D Plans Surprise, AZ

by | Dec 24, 2020 | Insurance Agency

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Medicare Part D provides a drug coverage benefit for those that are enrolled in one of their plans. If you are looking into Medicare Part D plans in Surprise, AZ, there’s a lot that you need to consider. Here’s what you need to know.

It Isn’t Free

If you want a Medicare Part D plan, you will need to pay for it. However, it is fairly affordable. The average premium is only about $30, and this price doesn’t tend to fluctuate much each year.

There Are a Lot of Free Services That You Can Utilize

Many individuals don’t mind paying the monthly premium for Medicare Part D because there are quite a few preventative services that they can utilize for free. These include a wellness visit every year, a yearly flu shot and cervical, colorectal and prostate cancer screenings.

You Can Change Plans Once a Year

If you aren’t happy with your plan, you can change it during your open enrollment period. This occurs October 15 through December 7. However, if a new plan becomes available in your area that has a quality rating that’s a five, you are allowed to switch plans even if it’s not during open enrollment.

Ideal Insurance Agency can help you determine which Medicare Part D plans Surprise, AZ, are right for you. This family-owned company has been serving the community since 1983. They can help you with a variety of insurance needs, and they will work hard to make sure that you get the best rates. Contact them at  to learn more.

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