Car insurance is one of those things that are a necessity if you own a vehicle. Driving around without it could mean paying traffic fines, high out of pocket expenses in the event of an accident, and even suspended driving privileges. Many people looking to save money often cross car insurance off their list of monthly bills, and sadly, end up paying the price. While being able to afford all of your expenses is important, there are other solutions to finding savings on your car insurance in Bethlehem, PA that will still put money back into your pocket.
Increase Your Deductible
One of the fastest and most effective ways to save on car insurance is to increase your deductible. The deductible is the amount of out of pocket money you will have to pay in the event of an accident. Increasing this amount by even $100 dollars can make a significant difference on your monthly premium. However, before taking this as an option be sure that you have the means to pay the deductible in the event that something happens. You don’t want to increase it from $500 to $750 if that will cause an issue for you.
Ask About Bundling Services
Most insurance companies offer more than just car insurance to their customers. Bundling services could give you a significant savings overall. For instance, you could consider purchasing homeowner’s/renter’s insurance, insuring more than one car, or another motorized vehicle. By adding these to your policy, your insurance provider will give you a smaller quote than if you were to purchase each of these policies separately.
Unadvertised Discounts
A lot of times insurance companies do not advertise the other discounts you could receive as a customer. Some insurance companies have discounts on car insurance in Bethlehem PA that include: safe driver, defensive driving courses discounts, good student discounts, alarm installations, and much more.
Completely eliminating your car insurance might be an initial savings, however, the consequences of not having insurance far outweigh the benefits. It is best to find other methods to save on insurance that will keep you and your vehicle protected, while not weighing too heavy on your wallet. For more discounts and savings on car insurance in your area, visit